Laser Assisted Appendectomy

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Video Description

Endometriosis is a common gynecologic condition affecting 10% of people with uteruses and up to 70% of those with chronic pelvic pain. Appendiceal endometriosis is common and pre-operative diagnosis is challenging. This video reviews prevalence of appendiceal endometriosis, highlights important anatomical landmarks for appendectomy and demonstrates a novel technique for laparoscopic appendectomy using a CO2 Laser at the time of surgical management of endometriosis. The laser appendectomy approach is reviewed in four steps, addressing preoperative and intraoperative considerations. This video can be used as a reference for gynecologists when performing appendectomy at the time of hysterectomy or diagnostic laparoscopy for chronic pelvic pain.

Presented By

Dr. Anna Shishkina
Dr. Marisa Louridas
Dr. Elizabeth Miazga
Dr. Carmen McCaffrey