Surgical Repair of Uterovaginal Septums and Other Müllerian Anomalies

Video Description

This video offers a brief overview of mullerian anomaly repair focusing specifically on uterine and vaginal septums. The septate uterus (ASRM Class V) is both the most common uterine anomaly and the most likely to be associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes.

Women with septate uteri are at an increased risk for many reproductive complications including spontaneous abortion and preterm delivery. To reduce the risk of reproductive complications, surgical repair through hysteroscopic resection of the uterine septum can be performed.

This video highlights the five essential steps to surgical repair: preoperative imaging, preoperative preparation, diagnostic hysteroscopy, hysteroscopic septoplasty and postoperative treatment. This video also demonstrates the repair of a vaginal septum, which often accompany uterine anomalies.

Operative hysteroscopy offers a minimally invasive approach to repairing uterine septums. With appropriate preoperative planning and an organized, stepwise operative technique, a normal uterine cavity can be safely restored and reproductive outcomes improved.

Presented By

male doctor avatar
Dr. Daniel Horspool
Female doctor avatar
Dr. Sarah Scattolon


McMaster University