Pin Ovarian SurgeryMinimally Invasive Tactic for Large Ovarian CystVideo Description This video demonstrates a minimally invasive surgical strategy to tackle...
Pin Ovarian SurgeryStepwise Approach to Complex Tubo-Ovarian AbscessesTable of Contents Procedure Summary Authors Youtube Video What is Stepwise Approach...
Pin GynecologyConservative Laparoscopic Treatment of Adnexal Torsion at 35+5 Weeks’ GestationAdnexal torsion in the third trimester of pregnancy is rare but associated with significant risk of maternal and fetal morbidity if left untreated.
Pin GynecologyOopheropexy TechniquesThis video demonstrates different techniques for performing an oophoropexy.
Pin GynecologyResection of the Complete Uterine SeptumThe surgical correction of a complete uterine and cervical septum. Here's an overview of the background, clinical presentation & planning.